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Over 60 British MPs Urge to Sanction Israel for Violating International law

London – Zaytoun News

 More than 60 British MPs have sent a letter to Foreign Secretary David Lammy urging him to impose sanctions on the Israeli occupation over “repeated violations of international law”.

The letter, organized by independent MPs Richard Burgon and Imran Hussain (both former Labour MPs), was signed by several prominent figures. These include former Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott, former Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer.

Signatories also include numerous MPs from Labour, the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, and the Scottish National Party. Additionally, the five MPs of the pro-Gaza Independent Alliance, including former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, also added their signatures.

Several peers, including Baroness Sayeeda Warsi—once a Conservative peer in the House of Lords and now independent—also supported the letter. The letter references the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion from July, which declared Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories unlawful and called for it to end as soon as possible.

“The court also found that all states, including the UK, have obligations to not recognise as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory and to not render any aid or assistance in maintaining this,” the letter states.

The MPs are urging the UK government to impose sanctions and take other decisive actions to implement the ICJ’s opinion on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine.

The letter highlights the ICJ’s ruling that states must prevent actions, including trade, treaties, or investment relations with Israel, that help sustain its occupation. It calls on the UK government to ban trade with illegal settlements, reassess all current and future trade relations with Israel, and suspend arms sales to the country.

“The UK government has repeatedly stated that it is committed to international law. Acting in support of the ICJ advisory opinion would be a critical step in demonstrating that commitment.”

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