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Palestinian Prisoners’ Commission warns of escalating abuse against female detainees in Israeli prisons

Ramallah – Zaytoun News

The Palestinian Commission of Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs has strongly warned about the escalating abusive and vengeful policies being implemented by Israeli occupation authorities at the Damon Prison, particularly against Palestinian female detainees.

In a statement released on Sunday, the Commission highlighted the severe physical and psychological abuse these women face at the hands of Israeli prison guards. According to reports from the Commission’s legal team, who recently visited the Damon Prison, the treatment of the female prisoners has worsened, with systematic attempts to inflict both physical and psychological harm.

The report detailed a range of disturbing practices, including continuous threats of sexual assault, strip searches, verbal abuse, physical violence, and the deliberate withholding of basic necessities such as blankets, clothing, hygiene products, and medical care.

The female prisoners also face severe deprivation of food and essential items, and their health issues are often ignored or dismissed by prison authorities. The prison staff are described as showing extreme mood swings when it comes to providing medication or medical treatment.

The Commission also reported that collective punishment against the women detainees is a regular practice. This includes periodic denial of the right to bathe, locking detainees in their cells, preventing them from exercising, and responding with violent raids whenever a detainee dares to ask a question or raise a concern with the prison guards.

Such actions, the Commission stressed, are part of a broader pattern of cruelty and humiliation aimed at breaking the spirits of Palestinian women in prison.

The Commission called on local, regional, and international women’s organizations, as well as human rights groups, to unite in exposing these continuous violations against Palestinian women prisoners. It urged for coordinated efforts to generate widespread awareness and pressure to end the Israeli occupation’s punitive policies towards Palestinian women.

The statement concluded with a call for a concerted effort to create a strong, global public opinion that can challenge these abuses and bring an end to Israel’s discriminatory practices against Palestinian female detainees.

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