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Pope Francis calls for global peace at Christmas nativity event in Vatican

Vatican – Zaytoun News

In a ceremony held at the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, Pope Francis led the annual nativity scene unveiling, featuring a unique display crafted by Palestinian artisans from Bethlehem.

This year’s nativity scene, a symbol of peace and hope, was made under the auspices of the Palestinian Presidential Committee for Church Affairs, the Palestinian Embassy to the Vatican, and Dar Al-Kalima University, in collaboration with the Beitcharilo Center.

During the event, Pope Francis was joined by Ramzi Khouri, member of the Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee and head of the Palestinian Presidential Committee for Church Affairs.

Khouri conveyed the heartfelt greetings of the Palestinian people and expressed gratitude to Pope Francis for his ongoing efforts to end the genocide in Gaza and his steadfast support for the Palestinian cause.

A special moment came when two Palestinian children, representing the committee, presented Pope Francis with a Bethlehem Star award. The gesture was a powerful reminder of the suffering and sorrow endured by Palestinian children amid the ongoing Israeli war and blockade in Gaza.

In his address, Pope Francis appealed for an end to the war, saying, “Enough wars, enough violence! Did you know that one of the most profitable industries here is weapons manufacturing? Profit from killing. Enough wars!”

He expressed solidarity with those suffering worldwide due to the ravages of war, offering a prayer for peace: “As our eyes fill with tears, we lift up our prayers for peace, that peace may reign over the entire world, and for all people whom God loves.”

The nativity scene, designed to draw global attention to the suffering in the Holy Land, stands at nearly 10 feet tall and features figures of the Holy Family carved from olive wood.

Notably, the nativity’s baby Jesus is dressed in the Palestinian keffiyeh, and a Bethlehem Star, crafted from mother-of-pearl, bears the Latin and Arabic inscription, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill to all people.”

Following the nativity ceremony, a Mass for peace and the cessation of hostilities in Palestine was held at the Angeli Chapel. The service, led by Father Ibrahim Faltas, Deputy Custodian of the Holy Land, alongside Father Ibrahim Shomali and Monsignor Marco, was attended by numerous diplomatic and political figures.

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