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Palestinian prisoners’ institutions obtain updates on fate of 206 Gaza detainees in Israeli custody

Ramallah – Zaytoun News

The Palestinian Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) announced on Monday that new updates were obtained about the fate of 206 detainees from Gaza, based on responses provided by the Israeli military.

Some of these responses confirmed the detainees’ locations, while others indicated no information about their status at the time of the response.

These updates are part of a series of responses received since mechanisms were introduced to clarify the fate of Gaza detainees held in Israeli prisons and military facilities, said the prisoners’ institutions.

These mechanisms were established following amendments to Israel’s so-called “Unlawful Combatants Law.” Despite this, hundreds of Gaza detainees remain victims of enforced disappearance, with no information available about their whereabouts or conditions—whether detained or killed.

The institutions noted inconsistencies in the Israeli military’s responses, pointing out that many times, conflicting information was provided about the same detainee.

The statement emphasized that all disclosed names are being forwarded to legal teams for visitation requests. However, they also noted that approval of these visits lies solely with Israeli authorities, including the military and prison administration.

The Knesset (Israel’s parliament) passed the “Detention of Unlawful Combatants Law” (Amendment No. 4), amending the Law.

The statement mentioned that new amendments have been made to the so-called ‘Unlawful Combatant Law,’ including a provision that prohibits meeting with a lawyer for up to 21 days from the date of detention, with the possibility of extending this period to 45 days, and up to 75 days in exceptional cases, according to their statement.

As of early December, the Israeli Prison Service disclosed that 1,772 Palestinians from Gaza are being detained under its so-called ‘Unlawful Combatants’ classification.

In recent months, numerous harrowing and distressing testimonies have emerged, detailing the torture inflicted upon Gaza detainees, alongside a range of atrocities that underscore the extreme brutality of the occupation. Among these, the notorious Sde Teiman detention camp stands out as a central site for the systematic torture of detainees from Gaza.

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