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OIC and Arabs slams Israel for posting maps that include Arab lands

Jeddah – Zaytoun News

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Palestinian and Arab officials condemned posts made by Israeli authorities on its official accounts of alleged maps of the region that include Arab lands of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria as well as provocative calls to annex the West Bank and practice genocide in the Gaza Strip, considering this a flagrant violation of international law.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation affirmed in a press statement its rejection of these provocative Israeli practices that coincide with the escalation of crimes and organized terrorism practiced by extremist settlers and the Israeli occupation forces throughout the occupied Palestinian territories.

It called on the international community to assume its responsibilities towards putting an end to all violations and crimes of genocide practiced by the occupation for fifteen months against the Palestinian people.

A spokesperson for Jordan’s foreign ministry condemned the post “in the strongest terms” and described the illustration as “allegations and illusions” promoted by Israel’s right wing to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Similarly, the Saudi foreign ministry also rejected the “Israeli allegations” related to the map, saying “such extremist allegations demonstrate the intention of the occupation authorities to consolidate their occupation and continue blatant attacks on sovereign states, and violate international laws”.

The Arab League Secretary-General, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, stated in a press release that “the publication of these alleged maps is not a trivial act and must be understood in the context of the extreme right-wing extremism and religious obsession engulfing the Israeli government and its leaders, to the extent of invoking and promoting historical myths as facts.”

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, also denounced the map and described it as “a blatant violation of all international legitimacy resolutions and laws”.

Abu Rudeineh added that these extremist Israeli policies are what ignited the region and led to the wars “we are currently witnessing,” so the priority now is an immediate ceasefire in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution No. 2735, the complete withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, and the State of Palestine assuming its full responsibilities in the Strip, as a prelude to implementing international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative to achieve peace, security and stability in the region and the world.

He called on the next US administration to work to stop all Israeli policies, actions and procedures that do not serve security and peace in the region.

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