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BRICS reaffirms support for the State of Palestine’s full UN membership

Kazan – Zaytoun News

 The BRICS Wednesday reaffirmed support for the State of Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations.

“We reaffirm our support for the State of Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations in the context of the unwavering commitment to the vision of the two-state solution based on international law including relevant UNSC and UNGA resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative that includes the establishment of a sovereign, independent and viable State of Palestine in line with internationally recognised borders of June 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital living side by side in peace and security with Israel,” the Kazan Declaration said.

The leaders participating in the summit reiterated their “grave concern at the deterioration of the situation and humanitarian crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular the unprecedented escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip and in West Bank as a result of the Israeli military offensive, which led to mass killing and injury of civilians, forced displacement and widespread destruction of civilian infrastructure.”

They stressed “the urgent need for an immediate, comprehensive and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip,” and “the unhindered sustainable and at scale supply of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip,” while denouncing “the Israeli attacks against humanitarian operations, facilities, personnel and distribution points.”

They welcomed “the continuous efforts by the Arab Republic of Egypt, the State of Qatar, other regional and international efforts in order to reach immediate ceasefire, accelerate the delivery of humanitarian aid and Israel’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip,” while calling for adherence to international law.

They voiced their alarm that “the further escalation of the conflict in the Gaza Strip fuel tension, extremism and severe negative consequences both regionally and globally,” while acknowledging the provisional measures of the International Court of Justice in the legal proceedings instituted by South Africa against Israel.

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