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Demonstration in Edmonton for Gaza as war nears first anniversary

Edmonton – Zaytoun News

Hundreds of members of the Palestinian and Arab community and their supporters participated in a massive demonstration in downtown Edmonton, the capital of the Canadian province of Alberta, in support of Palestine, on the first anniversary of the start of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The crowd carried Palestinian and Lebanese flags, and banners supporting the liberation of Palestine and stopping the ethnic cleansing carried out by the occupation in the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon.

Dr. Yipeng Ge, Canadian doctor and activist who witnessed the atrocities in Gaza, spoke at the demonstration about the conditions committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people in Gaza. He confirmed that he addressed the Canadian Parliament and his statements were not considered.

Dr. Tarek Loubani, Canadian emergency physician and humanitarian activist known for his many years of work in Gaza, also spoke, confirming Ge’s statements, and how his statements are not being taken into consideration by the Canadian government regarding the crimes being committed in Gaza and the deteriorating health situation.

The crowd marched through the city streets in a long march, denouncing the crimes of the occupation and its perpetration against the Palestinians and Lebanese.

The crowd also chanted for freedom for Palestine. They called on the Canadian government to take urgent action to stop the crime of ethnic cleansing that the Israeli occupation is committing against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

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