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GCC leaders urge action to end war on Gaza

Kuwait – Zaytoun News

The leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and their representatives called for an end to war crimes in Gaza, the displacement of residents, and an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.

They affirmed, in the “Kuwait Declaration” issued by the 45th session of the Supreme Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council, hosted by the State of Kuwait today, their firm positions on the Palestinian cause and their support for the sovereignty of the Palestinian people over all Palestinian territories occupied since June 1967 and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The leaders of the GCC countries condemned the continued Israeli aggression on Lebanon, warning of the consequences of its continuation and the expansion of the conflict, which will lead to dire consequences for the peoples of the region and for international peace and security.

They called for an end to the crimes of killing and collective punishment in Gaza, the displacement of residents, and the destruction of civilian facilities and infrastructure, including health facilities, schools, and places of worship.

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