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Israel Photoshops Images of Military Bases Hit by Iran Missiles

Tehran – Zaytoun News

The official Iranian news agency said that in the aftermath of Iran’s massive missile response to Israeli military bases, international satellite images are beginning to surface, showing the extent of the damage inflicted.

Added, the Israeli regime, which has long placed a gag on such reporting, has apparently doctored these images by superimposing images of clouds over the military bases that were hit by Iran’s ballistic missiles on Tuesday to obscure the impact of the attack.

The news agency said, ironically, when Iran unveiled its ballistic missiles a few years ago, Israeli and American officials claimed that the photos were fabricated and that Iran could not possibly develop such advanced weaponry.

added, in a dramatic turn of events, when Iran launched nearly 200 of those very missiles – achieving an approximately 80% success rate in hitting their targets – it is the Israeli regime that has resorted to the use of photo editing software to obscure the extent of the damage.

Iran launched a barrage of ballistic missiles at Israeli military bases and intelligence centers in the heart of the occupied territories on Tuesday night in response to the assassination of leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah as well as Islamic Revolution Guards Corps commanders.

One of the sites damaged in the attack is the Israeli military’s Nevatim airbase, with satellite images showing damage to the roof in a row of buildings near the main runway, and large pieces of debris scattered around the building.

Nevatim is home to the Israeli Air Force’s most advanced fighter jets, including the US-provided F-35 Lightning II stealth jets.

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