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Palestinian Presidency condemns US veto, calls on UN Security Council to act on ceasefire

Ramallah – Zaytoun News

The Palestinian Presidency has condemned the United States’ use of its veto power in the United Nations Security Council to block a resolution calling for a ceasefire and an end to Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the Palestinian Presidency stated that the U.S. decision to exercise its veto for the fourth time emboldens Israel to continue its crimes against innocent civilians in Palestine and Lebanon.

The statement also criticized the U.S. for disregarding international law and UN resolutions, including the ruling by the International Court of Justice, which called for an end to the Israeli occupation, withdrawal from Gaza, and a cessation of hostilities.

The Presidency underscored that the Palestinian leadership had consistently called for a UN Security Council resolution under Chapter VII to demand an immediate ceasefire, halt Israel’s genocidal acts against the Palestinian people, and support the ongoing work of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

The Palestinian Presidency urged the international community, particularly the members of the UN Security Council, to fulfill their responsibilities by taking immediate action to stop the ongoing Israeli attacks, the humanitarian catastrophe, and the famine affecting Gaza’s residents.

The statement also expressed gratitude to the ten elected members of the Security Council who attempted to pass the resolution and thanked the permanent members who voted in favor of it.

The Presidency called on the Security Council to act decisively in protecting the Palestinian people and preserving international peace and security, urging the full application of international law to Israel, which, it said, is obstructed by the U.S. administration.

The United Nations Security Council failed to adopt a draft resolution on Wednesday calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

The resolution garnered support from 14 of the 15 members of the Council but was ultimately blocked by a veto from the United States.

The draft resolution urged all parties concerned to fulfill their responsibilities under international law, particularly concerning the treatment of detainees, and to ensure the provision of essential services and humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

Additionally, it called for adherence to international and humanitarian law, with a specific emphasis on the protection of civilians and civilian property.

The resolution also called for the implementation of Security Council Resolution 2735 and reaffirmed that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) remains a central pillar of the humanitarian response in Gaza.

This marks the latest setback in the Council’s efforts to secure a unified response to the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.

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