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Palestinian Wall Resistance Commission: 1,396 violations committed by Israeli Occupation forces and Colonists in November

Ramallah – Zaytoun News

Israeli Occupation forces and settlers committed 1,396 attacks against Palestinians, their land and properties in November, according to the Head of the Colonization and Wall Resistance Commission, Palestinian Minister Mo’ayyad Sha’ban.

The monthly report said the Israeli military committed 1,086 violations during November, whereas the colonists carried out 310 attacks. It said that 273 attacks took place in Ramallah, 253 in Hebron and 204 in Nablus.

The violations included armed attacks on Palestinian villages, land confiscation, field executions, property destruction, uprooting of trees, closures and the erection of checkpoints that fragmented Palestinian territories.

Rise in Colonists’ Attacks

The report documented 310 attacks carried out by colonists, including 77 in Ramallah, 73 in Hebron, 63 in Nablus and 34 in Salfit.

Among these attacks were attempts to establish eight new colonial outposts, primarily in Hebron, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus and Jericho, many of which were designated as colonial pastures.

Sha’ban noted a marked escalation in violence during the ongoing olive harvest season, which began in October. He accused Israel of deploying armed colonial militias to disrupt the harvesting season.

In total, colonists damaged, uprooted, poisoned, or burned 1,806 trees, including 1,762 olive trees, in 42 separate attacks. Most of these attacks were concentrated in Nablus and Ramallah, followed by Hebron and Bethlehem.

Land Seizures and Demolitions

The Israeli authorities confiscated 177 dunums of Palestinian land in Salfit and Nablus through two military orders. The first order targeted 166 dunums of land in Salfit for expropriation, while the second order declared 10 dunams of land in the village of Burin, Nablus, as “state land.”

The report also documented 52 demolition operations, affecting 63 structures, including 27 inhabited homes, two uninhabited homes and 17 agricultural structures. These demolitions were primarily concentrated in Jerusalem, Hebron and Nablus. Additionally, 23 demolition notices were issued, with the majority in Qalqilya and Nablus.

Plans for Settlement Expansion

In November, Israeli authorities advanced five colonial expansion plans. These proposals aim to construct 311 colonial units across 69 dunums in the West Bank and 800 units on 12 dunums in occupied Jerusalem.

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